November 2013 Fitness Success Story

Patsy: My name is Patsy Pedersen and I’m from Dallas, Texas. When I would work out, I would over work. I would be so sore. I felt miserable. I didn’t want to work out, especially with weights. I worked out with a video—I did my weights with that. I also did some cardio and things.

But after working out with you guys, I started realizing I wasn’t actually doing my weights correctly. I thought I was, by the video. She was very good about describing how you’re supposed to stand and everything, and I realized with y’all, that I was not doing it correctly a lot of the time.

Hut: So finding it hard to look at a video and get in the right position, you just noticed that that wasn’t as efficient.

Patsy: Yes, absolutely. My energy level has increased. I have more strength. I just overall feel better.

Hut: And before, you weren’t feeling as good?

Patsy: No, I really wasn’t.

Hut: How was that affecting you?

Patsy: It affects my attitude—my attitude with things that go on in life, difficulties in life. I just feel I have better strength to endure that. I feel healthier.

Hut: Before you worked with us, you’d done videos, and I know you’ve had trainers in the past…were you skeptical at all if we could be of help, going through our program?

Patsy: I’ll be honest about this. I was wanting to do it for my husband. I really didn’t think I needed it. Through this year, after things that happened to my husband, I had to exercise and not him.

At first I thought, Why am I doing this? Why am I doing all this work? It’s supposed to be for him, not me! Then I started getting more balance, like I said, more strength, and then I realized it was for me too. I had a different attitude toward it all.Patsy

Hut: Since we brought up your husband, let’s tell everybody what happened to Kim.

Patsy: Well, he had some family [issues] early in the year, in April, where we weren’t able to exercise really, and then we got back on track. Then in June, he had an accident where he broke his shoulder, so he wasn’t able to exercise for four months. He’s just started back again. Anyway, all four months I had a personal trainer by myself!

Hut: Not a bad deal at all.

Patsy: No! My fat has gone from…it was less ten…

Hut: You dropped over 10 pounds. It was 10 pounds of fat.

Patsy: Yes. Also, I’ve noticed too that my balance was a lot better, but my strength in my arms…overall, I did lose weight but more than that, I lost inches and lost even a couple sizes in my clothes.

Hut: You talked about strength. Some of the tests we do like push-up test and squat test—how did you improve in those tests?

Patsy: My weights went from like 3 pounds; now I’m up to 15-20 pounds in some of my weights. My overhead lifting of things—I was more able to lift heavy things when I’m by myself, not having to call my husband or have extra help. So definitely strength in my upper arms. I couldn’t do anything…as far as my upper-arm exercises, this has been great for me.

Hut: How does that make you feel, being strong again and being able to do those things?

Patsy: It makes me feel younger. It makes me feel a lot younger. Also, I keep saying balance, but I never realized what a big thing that is, having your balance. I didn’t even realize how off I was on my balance until I started doing some of the balance exercises. Now I’m to the point where I can actually do them, so it’s very encouraging. It makes me want to keep it up.

There were times [with] things that were going on in our life [where] I just felt so exhausted, I wanted to give up. I think that because I already had that in place before all these other things happened, that I had an endurance level. I really think it kept me healthy during these trials that we had in our life—I really do. So in that, I want to keep exercising in this way, in a way that I know I’m not going to hurt myself either. If I lift weights wrong, I’ll have somebody to instruct me. I have such a good instructor.

I know you might be leery with the cost and things like that, but with New Wave Fitness, it is different than the other personal trainers that we’ve had in the past. I would do it. It has been worth the cost.

Don’t wait to get your strength and balance back! Click here to contact New Wave Fitness for a complimentary fitness or nutrition consultation.